The Oxford Book Launch for WW2 novel, Hidden in the Shadows
The Oxford book launch for WW2 novel, Hidden in the Shadows by Imogen Matthews
Two years ago, I gave my very first book talk for The Hidden Village at Headington Library (Oxford) situated in the historic Bury Knowle house overlooking the beautiful park. It’s my local library and I’ve spent many hours in the reading room with my laptop working on the sequel. So when the Library approached me about giving another talk, I realised it would be the perfect venue for the launch of my new book.
The day of my book launch dawned, very wet and dismal, and I wondered if anyone would want to venture out on a dark December evening. Coupled with that, it was the same day as the UK General Election and I was warned that might deter people from coming. I reasoned that they had all day to vote, so decided to go ahead as I was sure that if I delayed the launch till the following week, less than a week before Christmas, people would have other things on their mind.
I was delighted when the first attendees started to arrive, some travelling from far afield, others local residents of Oxford. Soon the place was buzzing and had all the atmosphere of a party, just what I wanted, but I needed to get on with the serious business of talking about my book.
Whenever I’ve talked about my novels set in WW2 Holland, I’ve been struck by how few people know about the resistance put up by the Dutch against the German occupiers.
So while I spoke about the inspiration for the new book, my husband stepped in to give a short slide presentation on the history of the Netherlands in the lead up to WW2. His background helped to explain the acts of hardship, loyalty and betrayal by the Dutch people that lie at the core of both my novels.
Chatting about my new book and listening to other people’s stories about the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation
A Bold New Graphic for The Hidden Village
It was also an opportunity to show off the book covers, designed by my talented son and graphic designer, Leo Johnson. He’d designed the original cover for The Hidden Village and came up with a bold new graphic that links the two books.
It was a wonderful feeling, finally signing copies of the book I’d spent so many months writing and editing.
Imogen signs copies of her new novel, Hidden in the Shadows, sequel to The Hidden Village
A brief description of the story of Hidden in the Shadows:
Hidden in the Shadows is a love story about Wouter and Laura, two young people who are cruelly separated after fleeing from the hidden village. Neither know what has happened to the other, and must rely on the trust and goodwill of strangers to stay hidden from the Nazis. As they criss-cross Holland, their attempts to be find one another are thwarted time and again, until a near-fatal illness threatens to dash their hopes once and for all.
Based on real-life events, this new story reflects the hardship suffered by so many Dutch people during the German Occupation during WW2, and their courage and bravery in the face of adversity.